
Aurélia Truel – Trail

Par Nicolas Aubineau - 4 minutes de lecture

aurelia truel trail

Main results:

Winner of the Paris Ecotrail 2011 with the Nicolas Aubineau’s technique, 3rd et the Templiers (2013, 2010),

Winner of the Côte d’Opale, 2 times 2ndat the TTN (Trail Tour National) and one time 3rd.

Three times world winner of team trail (2011, 2013, 2016)

Vice world winner of trail in 2013

10km : 34’50, semi : 1h16, marathon : 2h47


Can you tell me how you discover my website?

I discovered you website through you! You (Nicolas) coach me since 2011.


What made you decide to go forward and made you ask for my services?

I think it’s great and interesting, there’s so much to learn about nutrition in order to be at you greatest on the D day, but also before, during and after!


What did my services bring you regarding your food management?

Regarding changes and results, the alimentation coaching brings a lot! You don’t know everything, especially doses, quantities to ingest when there is a race… On the complementation level too, because when you compete a sport, you automatically lose « sugars », « proteins », minerals…


In a nutshell, what changed in your « daily alimentation »?

Before being coached, I did not drink enough, and I drank badly during the competition, and only water. Now, I know that water alone is pretty useless. You need to have special drinks before, during and after the effort to be more efficient.


Moreover, now that I’m coached, I try to avoid being deficient with some micronutrients like iron or D vitamins, which I was used to before.


Were the changes difficult to adapt to your everyday life?

Regarding my everyday food, it allowed me to eat more qualitatively and to raise the amount of proteins of my daily ration.


How do you see alimentation now compared to how it was before?

It was not hard for me to adapt as I was already aware of how alimentation is important when doing sport.


Did it change something in your food behaviour?

I always was interested and open minded regarding alimentation, how to coordinate with nutrients… But now, I think I know even more, maybe everything!


My food behaviour did not really change, but I changed some things which I was not sure about. For example, eating sheep or goat yogurts instead of cow dairies : 20 years ago I qui cow milk which at the time provoked repeated tendinitis. After I stopped, I had no more!


Do you see a real improvement of your performances, a better recovery, less wounding, a better general health?

During competition, I see an improvement through the diminution, even the disappearance of cramps for example. I recover better and faster after trainings and races. I am less and less deficient with some minerals, vitamins and micronutrients (proteins). I listen more to myself and I am more preventive. Moreover, I feel better to run as I have a better digestion.


As a conclusion, were your objectives reached?

Now I know me better and I know a lot more regarding food in general. It’s always great to have a coach, you very often do not know everything about something, and you sometimes have preconceived ideas that are not always right.


For example, when I was younger, I had hard times digesting my pre race meal and I couldn’t find the origin of the problem. Instead of fuelling my legs, my body was wasting its energy digesting.


Now, I can say that I eat simply, with easy to digest ingredients (like for kids! Ham, rice, fruits compte for example!). I avoid coffee/milk or bread associations by focusing on gluten free food.


Would you recommend my plans to friends or family? Why?

I very often advise my friends and family to go over your website or even the alimentation plans as they are relevant. Also, it’s so great to have a personalised coaching as everyone is different and has its own problems and needs.


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